Clothing Shed Awaits Donations from Community

Benefits people locally and globally

By Donna Thompson
Linda McGrail and Pastor Bill Blomquist of the Andover Community Church in East Andover show off the new clothing shed being hosted by the church. Accepted are donations of clothing and related items. Photo: Donna Thompson

Andover Community Church is very excited these days. We are hosting a clothing shed located on the property, just beside the East Andover Village Preschool sign.

The clothing shed is provided by St. Pauly Textile Company from Rochester, New York and named after its founder, Paul Callerame, well-known for doing a lot of charity work in Rochester.

St Pauly Textile primarily sells clothing in bulk to sorting and shipping companies, who in turn contract with United States government agencies, foreign and domestic, relief organizations, and private companies. To date, the clothing has been sent to 44 different countries.

As an added benefit, clothing can be given to anyone in the community who is in need – for example, those suffering from hardship or, heaven forbid, a fire. There are many advantages to the community for having this shed.

Now onto the question about what can be donated: clothes, shoes, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, curtains, and stuffed animals. What can’t be donated: electronics, books, household items, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, or fabric scraps.

All items donated need to be placed in a tall kitchen bag and tied. A small box next to the donation chute holds tax deductible receipts for anyone wishing to claim their donation, per IRS guidelines, as a tax write-off at the end of the year.

If anyone has any questions about this great service we are helping out, please feel free to call Donna Thompson at 744-6858 (home) or 393-5970. Visit our church website at