Andover Community Church News, November 2022

Harvest Potluck Supper on November 12

By Donna Thompson and Bill Blomquist

Hope everyone is staying warm. It seems like the warm weather wasn’t here long enough, and here we are just about to get into a new season!

We would like to thank everyone for supporting the rummage sales through the summer and into October. Thanks to your support, we were able to raise $3,000. Pre-made Meals to Go continue to be great sellers and are perfect for that family on the go. 

We will continue serving pre-made meals (special orders only) through the holidays of November and December, with special meals being ordered through or 603 393-5470. We will start back up officially in January. Keep an eye on this article for updates!

The Andover community is invited out to a Harvest Pot Luck Supper at the Grange Hall on Saturday, November 12, from 5:30 to 7 PM. This is a free event (donations accepted), with hearty food being prepared by church members. 

The menu being planned sounds scrumptious, perfect for this time of the year. All are invited to eat, laugh, and meet new Andover neighbors. Our own Judy Evans is spearheading this event. Call the church office at 603 735-5160 with any questions or further information.

Sunday, November 27, is a big day for the church. Not only is it the First Sunday of Advent, but it also marks the kick-off to a program called Godly Play. Godly Play is a Montessori-based learning experience where elementary students get hands-on experience with some of the major stories of the Bible. 

Students are invited to imagine and answer questions such as, “What do you think it would be like to live in the desert every day?” Or “How do you think the shepherds in the field felt when they saw the angels in the sky announcing the Savior’s birth?”  The children then create their own crafts around the stories. We’re excited about the program and will be offering it through 2023.

Also beginning in November, Fr. Bill will be visiting Peabody Place in Franklin for a weekly Bible study and seasonal activities. That, along with the ongoing GriefShare program at the Hub, women’s Scripture study, and weekly Franklin Outreach to the Homeless on Wednesday nights makes for one busy church!

We continue to welcome visitors, enquirers, or those in search of a spiritual home. All our growth over the past three years has come from those especially attracted to, or those curious about, Anglicanism. Those wishing to make an appointment with one of our clergy may do so through the website. 

We are so blessed with our clergy who have vocational calls inside and outside the church. Along with Fr. Bill, the Rev. Cinnamon Blomquist serves as a hospice chaplain and the National Guard. Rev. Nancy Phillips is also a hospice chaplain, and the Rev. Kathy Winkfield is a gardener, works at Proctor part time, and is currently involved in Clinical Pastoral Education in a local hospital. 

Any one of our staff can be contacted through

Until next month, stay safe and warm, and enjoy the wonderful foliage in our own backyards.