Rest of the Town Report: Andover Energy Group

The Andover Energy Group has two major goals: to identify ways to reduce the Town’s energy bills; and to find and publicize ways to help group members and local residents reduce home energy costs via alternative energy technologies and energy-saving measures.

In 2013 we:

  • Held three public workshops on residential geothermal energy systems, financing options for residential alternative-energy systems, and home weatherization techniques
  • Conducted a survey of town streetlights
  • Met with town officials in Lempster and representatives of Iberdrola Renewables in Groton, to learn more about commercial wind power
  • Met with representatives of New Hampshire Electric Co-op and with alternative-energy consultant EEI to learn about options for reducing energy costs in municipal buildings
  • Held a teleconference with Little Green Hydro, a manufacturer of micro-hydroelectric systems, to learn how such systems might be utilized locally
  • Hosted informational tables at Town Meeting and the Andover Historical Society’s Old Time Fair
  • Distributed the free newspaper Green Energy Times in Andover, New London, and Salisbury

We’ve assembled an e-mail list of more than 200 local residents interested in energy-related issues. If you’d like to be added to the list, please send your e-mail address to And watch the Beacon for upcoming events and energy-related information!