KUUF Enjoys “The Restless Weavers”

Press release
On Sunday, April 6, Tom Graves, Erin Peirce with her little helpers Rory and Luna Landers, Donna Peirce, Amy Friedenberg, and Marion Allen performed a skit called "The Restless Weavers of the Three Little Parishes" for the Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, which meets at Proctor Academy's Stone Chapel. Photo: Sally Bergquist
On Sunday, April 6, Tom Graves, Erin Peirce with her little helpers Rory and Luna Landers, Donna Peirce, Amy Friedenberg, and Marion Allen performed a skit called “The Restless Weavers of the Three Little Parishes” for the Kearsarge Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, which meets at Proctor Academy’s Stone Chapel. Photo: Sally Bergquist