Fifty Years Ago: May 1964

Dalphond Brothers' new mill opens on the Plains

By Collected by Heather Makechnie

Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie. 

May 7, 1964

Proctor raised $1,250 in its Annual Chest Week. This year’s chair, Rick Rust, announced that next year’s student council will determine how the money will be divided amongst 30 charitable organizations.

The Andover Citizens Fire Company was called out last Friday to put out the dump fire.

The Youth Fellowship Group sponsored a fishing derby recently, with 40 children in attendance. Lynn Arnold Kelsey won the first prize for catching the first five fish and also the biggest one. Gary and Twila Currier and Rebecca Kelsey also won prizes. The fish the children caught were cooked for their dinner, which was enjoyed by all. Fish and Game Warden Dan Tibbetts was on hand to show the children how to dress a fish. Parents giving a hand were Reverend Kelsey, Richard Day, Carolyn Currier, Carl Meier, and Tina Willis. The adults had as much fun watching as the children had fishing.

May 14, 1964

Dalphond Brothers’ crew started work at the mill just finished on the Plains. The old mill burnt last fall, and the crew worked in Grafton until the new mill was finished.

John Keyser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keyser, had an operation on his neck last week at the Concord Hospital.

Andover and Proctor Academy’s fire trucks were called to Wilmot Flat early last Saturday to help fight a fire at a home there.

Bobby Currier was taken to the New London Hospital last Friday suffering from burns from the radiator of a car he was repairing at Currier and Phelps Garage.

May 21, 1964

The Andover Women’s Bowling League annual banquet was held at the New Hampshire Highway Hotel on Saturday, May 9. There were 94 members and guests present. Over 40 women are signed up to be regular bowlers next year. Contact new president Sylvia Minard if you wish to join.

The Andover Citizens Fire Company and trucks were called to Flaghole on Saturday, May 16, to a brush fire in Richard Thorne’s field.

The Ladies Aid meeting was cancelled last week due to so many mumps and measles around the homes.

May 28, 1964

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis on the birth of a daughter on May 17, and to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson on the birth of a daughter on May 18, both at New London Hospital.

Boy Scout Troop 281 attended the Distress Camporee in Holderness over the weekend. Eighteen boys and their leader, Howard George, left Friday evening and returned Sunday afternoon, a very tired group. The boys built a rustic shelter and won the Charity Race while there.

Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Locke, Jr. of Derry on the birth of a daughter born at Laconia Hospital recently. Sara Lee joins a brother, Toby.