Gay Ellen Rayno Entertains in Wilmot

Senior luncheons resume in September

By Lindy Heim


Connie Jordan of Wilmot, Liisa Miles of New London, Barbara Weber of New London, Loretta Rayno of Wilmot, and Gay Ellen Rayno of Cilleyville enjoyed a laugh at the last Senior Luncheon of the season at the Wilmot Community Association's Red Barn on April 17. Gay Ellen was the featured entertainer, reading poetry written by her mother and singing old favorites. The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society served the delicious meal. A good time was had by all. Luncheons will resume in September. Photo and caption: Lindy Heim
Connie Jordan of Wilmot, Liisa Miles of New London, Barbara Weber of New London, Loretta Rayno of Wilmot, and Gay Ellen Rayno of Cilleyville enjoyed a laugh at the last Senior Luncheon of the season at the Wilmot Community Association’s Red Barn on April 17. Gay Ellen was the featured entertainer, reading poetry written by her mother and singing old favorites. The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society served the delicious meal. A good time was had by all. Luncheons will resume in September. Photo and caption: Lindy Heim