Thank You, Keith Kellogg

Keith Kellogg, an enthusiastic “supporter of life” both as a volunteer and by his profession as an electrician, was there at Hannaford’s of Tilton when I collapsed as a result of an adverse reaction to prescribed medication. He happened to be returning from a National Electric Code training update on the Life Safety Code.

Based on his training as a former volunteer football coaching assistant at Franklin High School, he immediately organized and began emergency procedures, which included an ambulance ride to Franklin Regional Hospital, where I regained consciousness.

During this time, I provided my name and address. He recognized the address as being next door to his close friend and fellow electrician, the late Roy Meier. He stopped by the following day to check on my outcome and to provide details of the incident to assist my doctor in further recovery.

Thank you, Keith Kellogg. You gave me another chance.

Don Gould