Relay for Life Celebrates Cancer Survivors, Raises Funds

All-night event at KRHS on June 20 to 21

Press release

You are invited to see how our community is fighting cancer locally. Every year your friends, neighbors, and co-workers come together at the Kearsarge/Lake Sunapee Relay For Life.

You don’t have to be an athlete or a long distance walker or runner. You just have to care and want to help others in the community who are facing cancer. We are so sure that you will love the experience of Relay For Life that we would like to invite you to stop by, bring family or friends if you would like, and see what it is all about.

Hundreds of people will join together from Friday night, June 20, through Saturday morning, June 21, right here at the Kearsarge Regional High School for an incredible experience. They will participate in a silent auction, games, listen to music, dance, and celebrate those who have survived this disease as well as honor those who have passed away in a beautiful and moving candlelight ceremony.

Teams of walkers keep a continuous presence on the track, walking in shifts. Some people even camp out overnight! There is food and fun activities for the entire family. One thing is for sure, everyone has fun!

Survivors and their caregivers are invited to come early at 4:45 PM on June 20 to participate in a complimentary dinner from 5 to 6 PM, then walk the survivor’s lap in celebration and hope.

Come and stay for just an hour, or more if you’d like. The best time to stop by is between 6 and 9 PM on June 20. We think you will be surprised and impressed and will come away feeling like you have made a difference. Who knows, you may even want to come again next year!

So if you have never been to a Relay For Life and were ever curious about what it is, we invite you to join us! For more information please call Wendy Davis at 748-3820 or Bri Trow at 969-6831, or visit