Franklin Farmers Market Doubles SNAP Dollars

Tuesdays from 3 to 6 PM at Franklin Hospital

Press release

Franklin Regional Hospital (FRH) is excited to once again host a weekly Summer Farmers Market in collaboration with the Franklin Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Coalition.

Join local vendors on the FRH lawn every Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 PM throughout the summer season. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle is the focus of the market, and shoppers will enjoy locally-grown produce and other fresh local food options.

Also, on scheduled occasions, take part in live cooking demonstrations with UNH Cooperative Extension’s Cooking Matters program experts and LRGHealthcare dieticians.

Most vendors will accept cash or check, and the market accepts SNAP benefits via an EBT payment system on site. The use of SNAP is made possible through a grant in cooperation with the Caring Community Network of the Twin Rivers (CCNTR).

Promotional SNAP programs include Double SNAP Dollars, up to $5 each week. Purchase $5 of food with your SNAP card, and receive an additional $5 in market food items free!

Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources is a great way to stay healthy. Why not make Franklin Farmers Market part of your weekly routine this summer?

For more information, please contact Franklin Regional Hospital Community Educator Melissa Rizzo at 934-2060.