Summer Services Planned for North Wilmot Church

Sundays, July 20 through August 24

Press release

Summer worship services will run from Sunday, July 20, through Sunday, August 24, at the North Wilmot Church at the intersection of Breezy Hill and North Wilmot roads in North Wilmot. The church is 4.5 miles off of New Hampshire Route 4A.

The church was built in 1829 by Josiah Stearns at the top of Tewksbury Hill. Because it was difficult to reach in the winter, it was moved across open fields a half mile to its current site. The building was drawn on rollers by 30 yoke of oxen. The move took two days and cost $386.

Five denominations – Congregational, Christian Baptist, Freewill Baptist, Universalist, and Methodist – collaborated to build the Union Meeting House.

By 1866, only two denominations used the church. In 1915, a bell and furnace were installed. The choir loft and pews were removed and oak seating (still in use), a kitchen, and a stage were installed.

In 1983, the Union Meeting House Society, a not-for-profit organization, was established to maintain the structure and arrange for services in July and August. In 1989, the structure was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In the summer, the building is available by reservation for weddings, reunions, memorial services, and other similar activities.

Fred Ogmundson provides the music for the services. Refreshments are served on the lawn during the fellowship time following the services.

The summer Sunday schedule includes:

  • At 10:45 AM on July 20, the Rev. Andy Jepson will officiate.
  • At 10:45 AM on July 27, the Rev. Dick Dutton will officiate.
  • At 10:45 AM on August 3, the Rev. Dick Dutton will officiate.
  • At 10:45 AM on August 10, the Rev. Andy Jepson will officiate.
  • At 10:45 AM on August 17, the Rev. Jeff Mansfield will officiate for the worship service for Wilmot’s Old Home Day celebration.
  • At 4 PM on August 24, there will be a hymn sing.

More information about services or about reserving the historic North Wilmot Church for a special function is available from Fred Ogmundson at 768-3605.