Board of Selectmen Minutes, July 21, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: John Thompson, Reggie Roy, Pecco Beaufays, Gregor Makechnie, and Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy, Selectmen Coolidge, Danforth, and Viandier.

Road Agent

Road Agent John Thompson reported the following:

Bruce Davis will meet on Tuesday, July 29, to discuss cold mix/chip sealer presentation.

John said he will get together a quote to fix Flaghole Road from Tower Hill to the Franklin town line. The ditches are very poor, the water run-off is not reaching the ditches, and during the last rain storm the road washed out and left an 8- to 10-inch-deep whole.

Selectmen Danforth asked John to check out the large pothole next to the storm drain on Lawrence Street. We need to figure out if it’s the Town road or Jake’s Market parking lot that needs fixing.

John said Plains Road needs to have ditches, 16” shoulder on both sides of road, ditches cleaned, in an approximate distance of 1.3 miles of road on both sides.

The Hoyt Road turn-around was quoted at $7,845 in 2012.

Selectmen Danforth asked John if we have a price for Kearsarge Mountain Road turn around.

Selectmen Danforth asked John to get a list of the top 10 roads needing repair for next year.

Selectmen Danforth asked where we are with prior year projects. Specifically in question is Sam Hill Road. John Thompson said he will need to get with Jon Champagne to discuss what he started.

Letters need to be sent out from the Town to abutters on top of Hoyt Road regarding a new turn-around.

The Town needs to fix water drainage issue on Beech Hill Road for Peter Lawall due to prior water drain issue with the neighbor which was corrected by the Town, but then Peter Lawall started having problems as a result of the repair.

Special Olympics Event

Pecco Beaufays handed the Town Administrator pamphlets for a Special Olympics event being held at Carr Field on September 27. Pecco would like the support of the Selectmen and a letter from the Town Administrator providing the Town’s support. This will be a great opportunity for local non-profit organizations to raise funds as food vendors and support Special Olympics.

All Selectmen agreed they support the fundraiser and Marj Roy will get the letter out. If successful this year, this will be an annual event.

Tax Collector

Joanna Sumner stated that everyone has kept up with their arrangements with the Town for back taxes, and she just set up a new commitment with a resident and received payment today.

She reported that the outstanding balance for the year 2011 is $15,071; the year 2012 is$76,925; and the year 2013 is $103,736.

File Conversion Report

Pat Moyer has been filing, organizing and purging information from the Planning Board folders. She has completed about 25% of the information.

Pat has removed all duplications and out-dated information from 30 years ago but has kept all originals in each folder. This has freed up a whole file cabinet.

Pat still has the Trustee of Trust Funds files to work on, and the Conservation Commission files need to be put in basement file cabinet. The maps should be recorded at the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds. Pat needs to look at all property cards from 2003 to verify they do not have any notes to carry forward on them.

Town Administrator Report

Marj Roy reported the following:

Letter received from Doug Miner appointing Stephen Barton as Fire Warden.

No hazardous material was found by DES when soil tests were conducted on Third Lane.

Marj presented examples of reports to the Selectmen.

Marj receives copies and signs off on all journal entries.

All beginning balances for 2014 were received from the auditors this week and entered into the new software system.

Selectmen will receive budget reports on a biweekly basis and as needed.

Marj has submitted application for State and Federal Forest Land reimbursement.

The Web site should be launched by the end of the month. Marj is still waiting to hear back regarding .GOV e-mail addresses request.

Request for bids are posted at the Transfer Station regarding repairs needed on the new Transfer Station building.

Marj presented a partial 100-item list of responsibilities for Finance Office Secretary and Bookkeeper.

Old Business

Asbestos mitigation has been completed at 76 Bridge Road, and Marj will call the lowest bidder from the 2013 demolition bids to confirm that the rate is still good.

New Business

The August 18 Board meeting will be moved to August 25. All three Selectmen approved the change.

Correspondence and Signatures

Selectmen approved leaving July 7 non-public minutes open to the public.

Professional Service agreement with Joanne Smith was signed by Selectmen.

Hardship Policy was signed, approved, and accepted by Selectmen.

Four land use changes on tax warrants were provided by Avitar and signed by all three Selectmen.

Three forms received for Intent to Cut were signed by all three Selectmen.

Chief Laramie spoke briefly on the timely manner of the Moose/Vehicle accident report last week.