
By Hilde Heaton

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every decision – financial, political, and/or social – results in intended and unintended consequences. For the past six years the American people supported the President, expecting that we could “transform” the country in positive ways. This did not happen.

Enabled and abetted by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, extreme leftists, and a compliant media, this chief executive has all but declared Congress null and void. The Constitution stipulates that the President enforces the laws that Congress enacts. This President interprets laws to satisfy his wishes, to reward his supporters, and to punish his detractors. He and his Justice Department repeatedly ignore Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents, issue exemptions to Obamacare, and grant excessive regulatory powers to the EPA.

The elections in November offer an opportunity to make our voices heard through our representatives. Let’s elect Scott Brown as the newest senator from New Hampshire. Scott knows how to solve problems, works well with legislators of differing political viewpoints, and heeds the requests of his constituents. We must become more informed and involved, because freedom isn’t free. We must set out on the difficult trip back to domestic prosperity and international respect. Please vote for Scott Brown.

Hilde Heaton