East Andover Village Preschool, February 2015

Registration for 2015-2016 has begun

By Elizabeth Janvrin, Director

Our Vacation Station opened for reservations and business on February 2. Many of us enjoyed all of the roles that a hotel has to offer, from front desk receptionist or guest to housekeeper and wait staff.

Through the process of opening, the group shared their thoughts and ideas about what they needed to perform their jobs. In these conversations, the group made a menu for the hotel, working on pre-writing and pre-reading skills, as well as all of the signs to represent vacancies, the name of our hotel, and exit signs.

We also got to work on our one-to-one correspondence and counting, as we made sure our restaurant guests each had a plate and a cup. We also began to identify numbers on the money as we paid for our hotel room and meals.

Along with our Vacation Station, we continued to focus on exploring animal habitats and what animals need to live such as shelter, food, and water. As our habitats continued to grow and our questions continued, the group began to show more interest in an African grassland, which is now becoming the focus of our block area.

By reading books, we are researching what this particular habitat is like, along with the animals that can be found there. The group is creating costumes and props to role-play becoming an elephant, zebra, and other grassland animals.

The question of what animals need has also prompted us to think about what people need to live. In looking at this question, we are sharing our favorite food ideas, exploring how food gives us energy, and continuing to cook in the classroom with our Early Sprouts curriculum. There is also an interest in exercise, as some children create treadmills from the big blocks or role-play instructing exercises.

Register for 2015-2016

Our registration process for the 2015-2016 school year has begun! If you are looking for more information about our preschool program, please contact Elizabeth at 735-5105 or EAVP@nulltds.net.

Are you looking for summer camp? We are beginning our registration for our Summer Camp program. Camp is based on weekly themes such as Under the Sea, Into the Jungle, and Journey to Space. Our group goes on weekly trips to local points of interest such as the New London Barn Playhouse and Pizza Chef.

The ages for our summer camp program are three to 10 years old. Again, contact Elizabeth at 735-5105 or EAVP@nulltds.net.