Conservation Commission Minutes, January 14, 2015

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Mary Anne Broshek, Jerry Hersey, Larry Chase, Nan Kaplan, Tina Cotton; guests Sandra Graves, Paul Currier

Due to other commitments, Larry declined further taking of minutes. The ACC report for the Andover Town Report was approved.

Correspondence: ASLPT packet of completed monitor forms for all Andover properties held by ASLPT; Mary Anne will file.

ASLPT update submitted by Nan Kaplan: Dues of $100 to ASLPT for ACC membership have been submitted as a thank-you for all of their assistance to us.

A list of legislative bills affecting conservation commissions was shared with members.

Paul Currier presented an overview of changes in the zoning ordinance that the Planning Board intends to submit for ballot voting in March. Of particular concern to the Conservation Commission was the proposed business district on Route 11 between Routes 4A and 4. The group discussed the importance of protecting the prime wetlands and floodplain in the new district. Possible solutions could include conservation easements, a conservation overlay, and buffers. The ACC should submit comments for the hearing on January 20.

Updating of conserved land on GRANIT. Tina will verify whether several small land parcels conserved with the Town are still on the GRANIT maps.

Budget: Mary Anne has researched several discrepancies with the conservation funds since our finances have been turned over to the Town. Fifty percent of the penalty tax for removing land from Current Use designation has been going into our conservation fund to facilitate conservation easements and protect land, as stated in RSA 36:5a4. These taxes have not been added for 2012 through 2014. These funds will be added as required by law, and the ACC will be notified of these deposits in the future.

The ACC annual operating budget was non-lapsing from one year to the next when the commission was formed in 1971. When this arrangement was rescinded, the Department of Revenue determined that a warrant article was needed to continue the retention of funds. Unknown to the ACC, this was changed so that a warrant article must be approved annually to retain funds. This fund has been used many times when our annual operating budget was overspent due to unanticipated expenses. All expenditures are approved at a regularly scheduled meeting and submitted to the Town Administrator or Board of Selectmen.

A new expense payment system using green forms will be utilized for future expenses. Mary Anne will prepare a binder of ACC funding information for the Town Administrator.

Camp Barry: Larry has conferred with Gordy Ordway, Andover Fish and Game Club, about using ACC funds to send an Andover child to Camp Barry, a 4H/Cooperative Extension camp for outdoor experiences.