Planning Board, May 26, 2015

Condensed from draft minutes

Members present: Paul Currier, Chair; Jon Warzocha, Vice Chair; Nancy Teach; Art Urie; Doug Phelps; Pat Moyer; and Lenny Caron, alternate.

Also present for duration of appropriate items: Dave Powers, Zoning Administrator; Dan Coolidge, Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair; Jerry Hersey; Jim Hersey; Andy Degan; John Hodgson and Nan Kaplan of Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club

Zoning Administrator Dave Powers has started compiling a list of all businesses in town for the Board to review. Currently he has 62 on his list. The zone each business is in needs to be determined.

Dan Coolidge, Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair, re: Jerry Hersey request for a variance to the road frontage requirement.

Coolidge was requesting input from the Planning Board in order to better understand the reasoning behind the road frontage requirement. He stated that as the 250’ of road frontage is in order to control density, in this case, as there is a total of 560 feet of road frontage and only a single two-acre lot being allowed to be divided, the purpose is met along with the spirit of the ordinance.

Coolidge explained that it was asked at the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting if it was possible to relocate the boundary line to include the right of way for the logging road, and the response from Andy Degan had been that doing that allows for potential legal action for property owners in the future.

A letter from Ed Hiller in support of the variance was read. Warzocha stated that the 250′ of road frontage does in fact control density and making sure there are constructible lots.

Zoning Ordinance Amendments

The public hearing notice for the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments was reviewed and approved by the Board. The notice needs to be enclosed with the tax bills.

Teach will take the notice to Country Press for photocopying and folding. The Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club area was discussed, and Powers stated that the proposed boundaries should include the current area as well as areas for house sites.

Administrative Support

Currier will advise the Board of Selectmen that the Planning Board is going to contract for support, and the Town will have to pay for it. The Lakes Region Planning Commission is one option for the support.