Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse’s Hitching Ring is Missing

Please help get it back to the schoolhouse

By Donna Baker-Hartwell, Andover Historical Society
The hitching ring went missing in early August. Please help get it back!
The hitching ring went missing in early August. Please help get it back!

The iron hitching ring attached to the corner of the Tucker Mountain School House has been taken!

This ring was donated by Ken Reid in 2010 for the re-enactment video. It is a close match to the one in the 1887 photo. Back in the days when the school was in session, the hitching ring was used by visitors to hitch their horses.

Sometime during the weekend of August 8 and 9, the ring was removed. It is hoped that someone might know what became of the hitching ring and assist in getting it back to the schoolhouse.

The iron hitching ring attached to the corner of the Tucker Mountain School House was a place for visitors to hitch their horses. Photos: Donna Baker-Hartwell
The iron hitching ring attached to the corner of the Tucker Mountain School House was a place for visitors to hitch their horses. Photos: Donna Baker-Hartwell

September’s open house will take place on Sunday, September  13, from 1 to 3 PM. Visitors can try their hand at playing marbles. Marbles have been a part of childhoods for generations. There are many versions of the game, however; if you come, you will learn the “Lagging” marble version.

If you have your own marbles and/or know other versions of the game, please come and show us. Marbles and handmade marble bags with instructions will be available for $5.

The 2016 Andover Historical Society Calendar will also be available for $10 each. Greeting cards of the school and t-shirts are also for sale. All proceeds go to support the work of the Society.

There will be cookies and cider for everyone! For more information, call Donna at 735-5586.