Explore Antique Autos at the Ice House Museum

Andover Institute Goes to New London on October 3

Press release
The Andover Institute will sponsor a guided tour and close-up, hands-on view of the Bill Kidder special collection of automobiles and Americana at the Ice House Museum in New London on Saturday, October 3. Photo: Larry Chase
The Andover Institute will sponsor a guided tour and close-up, hands-on view of the Bill Kidder special collection of automobiles and Americana at the Ice House Museum in New London on Saturday, October 3. Photo: Larry Chase

The sixth in a series of Andover’s “Space Exploration” events, to take place on Saturday morning, October 3, will take attendees to the Ice House Museum in New London for a guided tour and close-up, hands-on view of the Bill Kidder special collection of automobiles and Americana, offering a memorable experience for visitors of all ages.

The event, sponsored by the Andover Institute, an arm of the Andover Community Association, is open to the public at no charge. Participants can meet behind Andover’s Town Hall on Main Street at 10:30 AM for carpooling to and from the museum, or provide their own transportation to the museum at 91 Pleasant Street, New London, and join the party at 11 AM.

On property purchased in the 1950s by local collector Bill Kidder, the original ice house has grown into a collection of eight buildings now housing antique Fords and other vintage vehicles, children’s ride-on vehicles, steam whistles, padlocks, washing machines, auto parts, a town jail, blacksmith and tinsmith shops, and more.

Before his death in 2005, Kidder collaborated with his family and advisors to establish the Ice House Museum to perpetuate his passion for this extraordinary collection. His son, State Representative David Kidder, will host the October 3 exploration.

For more information about the museum, go to WFKicehouse.org. For more information about the October 3 event, email AndoverCommunity03216@nullgmail.com.