Board of Selectmen Minutes, July 6, 2015

Present: Chairman Coolidge, Selectman Delaney, Vicky Mishcon John Thompson, and Town Administrator (TA) Marj Roy.

Public Hearing: Johnson Lane

Researched by Don Gross. The Town never relinquished the property, and the Town never gave up any rights to the property. The road hasn’t been maintained for 13 years, other than plowing.

Dick Powers asked if he could get something in writing regarding the findings for Johnson Lane. He and Connie Powers would like it recorded so they could sell their property.

Johnson Lane is a Class 5 road, and it will be maintained by the Town.

Public Hearing: Highland Lake Island signage

Selectman Coolidge said signs have been on the island, and the island was given to the town for recreational use. We are here to hear people’s opinions on the usage for everyone.

Bryan Johnson brought a picture of one sign on the island and a picture of the loon resting area. The island is very clean, and the kayaks are going on the west side of the island. A few years ago a lot of people camped out for a whole weekend, and last year there was a fire that was large and the fire department was called. Earle Davis goes and cleans the island when needed.

The Board of Selectmen asked the Conservation Commission to look into the island, and Mary Anne Broshek presented a draft for new language to be put on a new sign for the island. The wording was discussed and changed slightly. Andy Guptill mentioned that the Boy Scouts use the island and wondered if the Recreation Committee was asked about the usage sign.

Donna Baker-Hartwell suggests the sign say “Carry in, carry out.”

Jim Reed asked if a permission request is needed to use the island and who would give the permission for the Boy Scouts?

Jeff Newcomb said there was a make-shift outhouse on the island and a 50-gallon drum for trash, along with two picnic tables.

Noise Ordinance Petition

Jeff Mitchell wrote that Green Crow trucks have been unloading at 5 AM daily. Duncan Coolidge understands that a new person is covering for someone at Green Crow and will temporarily have different hours. Jeff Miller stated he hasn’t noticed the noise from Green Crow; he thinks the noise might be coming from other companies doing clearing.

Chief Laramie said he has had our officers over at Green Crow at 5 AM on many mornings, and the police officer never heard any noise. Sargent Mahoney spoke with Green Crow, and they agreed to a start time of 6:30 AM.

Todd Adams wanted the Select Board to know that someone is letting off fireworks at the Town Beach all the time from May to September.

Road Agent

John Thompson stated that the highway guys have been doing mowing and have installed the lights on the truck.

Emery Road: The guys have been trying to drain the culvert for three days. The beavers have compacted the culvert, and John would like for a Beaver Deceiver to be installed.

John Thompson was given a bid for enclosing the White Oak building from Dale Dukette. The building will have a garage door, a window, and a regular access door.

Switch Road: RD Edmunds is the cheapest around, estimate of $50,000 to $60,000 for dirt work. Edmunds will pave from Plains/Switch Road to Moody Road.

Belletetes Signage Permit

Bill Bates represented Belletetes and answered questions from the Select Board. The sign will be slightly different than the current one. It will be 75 feet off the road, it will be lighted, and the size is 9′ x 14′.

Selectman Delaney motioned to accept the sign permit, second by Chairman Coolidge. Vote: yes Coolidge, yes Delaney, no Mishcon. Passed.

Old Center Cemetery

There are two cracked gravestones and it will cost approximately $300 to fix them. The Cemetery Trustees would like to have the Highway Department employees fix them with the supervision of Pat Cutter. Chairman Coolidge motioned to approve, second by Selectman Delaney. Vote: both approved.