Select Board Minutes, February 1, 2016

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Marj Roy; Vicky Mishcon; Jim Delaney

Also present: Chief Laramie; John Thompson; Andy Guptill

Road Agent Report

The highway crew is working on the fire truck and the 1-ton truck along with cemetery work

Town Administrator Roy and Selectman Mishcon reviewed their meeting with DOT.

Morrill Hill Bridge – Roy and Mishcon spoke with Steve Lilakos, the engineer who advised that this bridge is ready to collapse and needs to be repaired. Steve advised the bridge can collapse at any time and the trucks and buses should not be traveling across it. He recommends posting the 3-6 ton limit signs or closing it due to its poor condition. The Board agreed on his assessment.

Mishcon made a motion to go to the final stage of planning for the bridge to be scheduled for repairing, “the final contract plan.” Delaney seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.

Delaney made a motion to post the Morrill Hill Bridge at a 6-ton limit. Mishcon seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.

Kearsarge Mountain Road – Andover has twenty bridges to repair, more than most towns. Roy and Mishcon spoke to Nancy Mayville. Mayville recommended getting an engineer and a sketch of the bridge. The Board suggested the road agent take photos tomorrow, Tuesday February 2, 2016 before it rains and then also on Wednesday or Thursday after the rain.

Funding of Morrill Hill Bridge – Roy spoke to Ashley Miller at Plodzik Sanderson. The money for this bridge was in the Bridge Capital Reserve Fund which the town voted to discontinue that particular fund and move into the new bridge fund. However, the money was inadvertently moved into the general fund. A warrant article needs to be drafted to have the money moved from the general fund into the new bridge fund or a non-lapsing fund.

Lenny Caron

Caron presented the Board with a signed agreement that expires in March 2016. Caron requested a year extension, making the new agreement to expire in March 2017. Roy will have a new agreement drawn up with the new agreement expiring in March 2017. Mishcon made the motion to extend the agreement to expire in March 2017. Delaney seconded All in favor. Motion passed.

Warrant Articles

Andy Guptill presented a petition with signatures regarding the purchase of 43 Salisbury Road (Tax map 12-078-443). The petition was to authorize the town to expend not more than $40, 000.00 to purchase this property with buildings and structures, thereon. The petition will go to the Town Clerk to check all signatures as registered voters.

Roy presented a current list of warrant articles for the Board to review.

Budget Committee Chair Concern And Request

Roy discussed with the Board the concerns of the budget committee chair about an elected and an appointed road agent; a town employee and a contracted position. The budget committee chair would like a comparison of savings.