Governor, Republican, Jeanie Forrester

Opinion - Op Ed - ForresterJeanie Forrester is a conservative Republican running for Governor to rebuild New Hampshire’s economy, get a handle on the heroin and opioid crisis, and reform state government so it is more responsive to communities and the people of the state. Visit to learn more about her plans.

Jeanie is a resident of Meredith and has served in the New Hampshire Senate since she was first elected in 2010. She currently serves as Chairman of the Finance Committee and is also on the Capital Budget Committee.

Jeanie has received numerous awards in recognition of her leadership on issues of importance to families, children, and communities, including the 2012 State Legislator of the Year Award from the New Hampshire Association of Counties; the Meldrim Thomson, Jr. “Principles Above Politics Award”; the 2013 Friends of the New Hampshire Health Care Association; 2013 Legislator of the Year from New Futures; the 2013 Conservation Leadership Award from The Nature Conservancy; Loon Preservation Committee 2013 Recognition; the John W. True Award for Excellence in Commitment to Youth from the Communities for Alcohol and Drug-Free Youth; and the 2015 David E. Robar Advocacy Award from Granite State Independent Living.

She and her husband Keith own a small environmental technology company. She has also served in Town Administrator positions in Tuftonboro and New Durham. She has also served as the Executive Director for two award-winning Main Street programs in Plymouth and Meredith, where she helped create jobs and economic prosperity by attracting new businesses and new development.

Jeanie earned her bachelor’s degree in political science with honors at the University of New Hampshire and completed her MBA at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics.