East Andover Village Preschool, February 2017

Annual Spaghetti Dinner February 11

By Amy Rheaume, EAVP

February is here and with it, Valentine’s Day. Preschools everywhere will be building on the theme of friendship and love. At EAVP, it is just another month; we build on these themes all year long!

Teamwork! Freya Grunewald, Chloe Miller, and Azalea Morgan work together on a snowman.

At the beginning of each school year we ask the parents of our students what they would like their children to learn in preschool. There are some academic responses like, letters and numbers, or how to write their name, but more often we hear, how to be a friend, how to get along with others, or kindness.

It makes me smile – our parents get it! They know what we, the staff at EAVP, know. Yes, it is important for children to learn letters and numbers and to write their names, but really what our world needs is kindness.

Someone who is able to recognize when others need help, be it a hand up when they’ve fallen, a pat on the back when they are sad, a friend to sit next to them when they are lonely, or a kind word of praise or encouragement and then act on it. These are the people who will change our world.

By preschool age most children understand different emotions fairly well and know that everyone has feelings. They are beginning to be empathetic. At EAVP we teach a golden rule: we treat others as we want to be treated. We practice shining our light on others and the world by showing kindness and love.

Does this mean there is never any arguing? Never an unkind word? Of course not. But these events are learning experiences, and there is always a chance to start over. To try again and do better the next time.

We grownups could take some lessons from these preschoolers as they work each day to find ways to be kind and help others. Shine your light!

On Saturday, February 11, we invite you to join us at the Andover Elementary/Middle School from 5 to 7 PM for our Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle fundraiser. This year our theme is Share the Love. We’d love to see you there!