Consider the Conversation

Saturday, April 29 at 10 AM

Press Release

We hope to see you at our movie  presentation of Consider the Conversation. We hope this movie will help start a conversation regarding End of Life choices, for you and your family, and our community. Those words—End of Life—are pretty scary for most people. Often we don’t want to think about end of life issues as it means facing our mortality. Unfortunately, this also means that we put off making decisions about this part of our lives.

When you join us, please take some time to look through our materials on Advance Directives. If you haven’t drawn up your Advance Directives, talk to your loved ones and your doctor about it. If you need help drawing these up, it is available several times a month through our office. If you have Advance Directives, please review them every few years, especially if there have been any changes in your life situation.

The movie will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Franklin, on Saturday, April 29 at 10 AM. The Franklin VNA and Hospice thank you for coming to our presentation!