Select Board Minutes, June 5, 2017

Condensed from approved minutes

PRESENT: Marj Roy, Vicky Mishcon, Jim Delaney, and David Blinn

Also present were: Bob and Rita Norander; Ken Hackmann; Jim Reed, Jon Warzocha, Matthew Bent with Boy Scout Troop # 489; John Kinney; Lenny Caron; and Chief Glenn Laramie. (Several Boy Scout members from Troop #489 attended the meeting to support Matthew Bent’s presentation and to earn their merit badge)


Highland Lake Beach/Chaffee Beach – Roy received an email from a resident who wanted to know who is in charge of keeping the beach cleaned up at Highland Lake. The Board discussed this and different areas of Chaffee Park are taken care of through different entities. Typically, throughout the years, there have been several different volunteer groups that clean up the beach from debris itself. Last year no one volunteered to do the clean-up. The grassy area is kept up by the Highway crew. As for the sand, the town is waiting to hear from DES for adding new sand. However, until DES responds, Thompson said they could rake the sand above the water line. Thompson will add that to their projects to be done this year.

Johnson Lane – Thompson told the Board that one of the repair garages has taken over this town road with parked vehicles. It’s made it very difficult  for the highway crew to get through this area especially during plowing time because of the vehicles encroached on the town road. The Board asked Chief Laramie to address this with the garage repair person so that the issue will be taken care of before snow plowing season.

Church Lane – A surveyor for the church on Church Lane contacted Roy. The church wants to pave the two parking lots and the surveyor needs to know more information about the road that goes in between both parking lots. The Board discussed whether this road is a town road or a private road. The consensus was that it has always been maintained by the town and therefore is a town road. Roy will contact the surveyor to let him know Church Lane is a town road.

New Driveway Permit – Thompson is working with some folks on Raccoon Hill Road about their driveway placement on their property. The plan the homeowner shared with Thompson was good for the homeowner, but not so good for the town due to the water flow issues. Thompson suggested putting a pipe in to go under the driveway. The homeowners agreed to buy the piping, at a cost of about $500.00. The town’s cost will be about $200.00. The Board is in agreement with Thompson’s suggested plan.

Dirt Roads – The Board and Thompson agreed the dirt roads are in bad condition around town. The large amount of gravel put on the dirt roads previously has been depleted. The quick fix has been to grade the roads. However, Thompson said the proper way to do the dirt roads is to pull the ditches in and roll it back and forth. However, then you have to fight the mud for six months. Afterwards, the road gets graded making the road in much better condition. As an example, Raccoon Hill Road has many different areas that require different work on them. To just add calcium chloride will only work in some areas of that road and not others. Thompson would like to reinstitute the 20-year plan for our roads. After Thompson reviewed the previous plan, he realized that the plan has not been followed. Thompson will come up with a plan for the Board and then start working on it this year.

DOT-Right of Way – Roy received information from the State indicating that they believe the Town is encroaching on their right of way on Salisbury Highway. The Board and Thompson reviewed the map the State sent along. Thompson said that the State’s photos are at least two years old and it appears they missed a survey pin on one of the boundaries. Roy will email the state with this information.

Last Street Bridge – Completed

Lawrence Street Bridge Walkway – Completed

Maple Street Bridge – Completed


Matthew presented the Board with a proposed Eagle Scout Project. The project would consist of creating three picnic benches for the Town Beach. The picnic benches will be chained and cemented. The project would also include replacing the old charcoal grill. Lastly, the project will be to restore the old Chaffee Beach sign by repainting it. Matthew offered to return with the plan all mapped out at the next Board’s meeting on Monday, June 19, 2017. Matthew said they will start the project as soon as possible and expect to finalize the project in late Fall.

Delaney made a motion to accept the Eagle Scout’s Project as discussed. Blinn seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.


In the absence of an association member present at this meeting, Roy explained what the group wants to do. A member contacted Roy who would like to do this activity at Highland Lake Beach/Chaffee Park early Sunday mornings. They inquired about needing permission from the Board to do this activity. The Board discussed and agreed that it’s a public beach and there wouldn’t be a parking issue, therefore, the Board sees no problem in allowing the activity on early Sunday mornings.


Bob Norander asked the Board for some assistance in getting cable coverage for the five families in his area who must get their television and internet through satellite. Norander stated that about five years ago when he first moved there he was the only person interested in cable. However, currently there are five families out at the end in East Andover who are now interested. The satellite is quite pricey. The Board explained that recently Melissa Pierce from Comcast met with them about contract renewal time. One of the questions the Board asked Comcast was about getting cable out there to these folks. Pierce indicated that when she got back to the Comcast office, she would inquire about the possibility of cable out in that area. As of today, the Board has not received a renewal contract to review from Pierce or an answer to this question. Roy will contact Pierce for an answer about getting cable coverage in that area.


Roy gave the Board the Plodzik and Sanderson Questionnaire to fill out. The questionnaire requires only one Board member’s signature.


Caron heard that someone was interested in purchasing this parcel of land. Caron wanted to offer his assistance because he knows the properties on Bridge Road. Caron indicated that the culverts changed through the years. Someone was on the property recently. Caron approached them and will give their business card to Roy. The Board explained that this property is owned by the Town and that in order to know the precise boundaries, the property first needs to be surveyed.


Recently, while working on the Maple Street Bridge, one of the workers was badly injured. It was almost an hour before the ambulance arrived. Kinney and the Board are very concerned with the lack of coverage for day time needs. A dinner workshop is set up for Wednesday, June 28 at 6 PM to 8 PM to discuss with all involved in emergency coverage how to better improve how situations are handled in a timelier manner.


Work Session – A work session for the Board is set for Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 3 PM.   Mishcon will send Roy the agenda for the meeting with all department chairs and vice-chairs before they meet on Thursday. Roy will review the agenda and send all the contact information for the department chairs and vice-chairs to Mishcon.

Draft Policies – Roy presented the Board with the following policies to review:

Returned Check Policy

Cash Management Policy

Investment Policy (annual review required)

Procurement Policy (Purchasing thresholds updated)

Mishcon made a motion that the Board adopt the draft policies as drafted effective immediately. Delaney seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.

HVAC System – The heat pump installation at Town Hall is complete. It is a hybrid system so when it is very cold and the heat pump is not as efficient, the oil burner will kick in. Otherwise, the heat pump will take care of most of the heating and cooling. The original cost estimate was approximately $46, 000.00. The actual cost ended up being $13, 237 which does not include the $3,000.00 rebate.

Morrill Hill Road Bridge – The State found the plan submitted by Hoyle and Tanner to be satisfactory. The State now authorized the next step of putting the project out to bid and then the construction of the project.

New Hampshire Supreme Court – On Friday, June 3, 2017 the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled in the towns favor on the question of who is best to appraise the utility owned properties, the utilities or the town. The New Hampshire Supreme Court affirmed the Superior Courtsruling that the towns are in the best position to the best able to put a value on their town properties.

Town Audit – The Town’s audit was recently completed at the end of May. There were only two findings and those are already addressed. One was the cash management policy which the Board voted in favor of the policy tonight. The second issue was having the Recreation Department standardize receipts. That has been addressed by the Recreation Department recently doing on line sign-ups.

Primex Alternative – Roy communicated with Paul Branscombe, former Town Administrator of Ashland and Gilmanton, who indicated that he is working as a consultant with Davis and Towle Insurance for an alternative to Primex coverage.

Tipping Fees – The Transfer Station tipping fees effective from 5/15/17 to 4/14/18 are as follows:

Single Stream is $30.50 per ton

Solid Waste is $66.61 per ton

Town Office Interior Painting – Beginning the Week of June 12th to 16th, four work release inmates from the Merrimack County Correctional Facility will be painting the interior of the Town Hall. They will be supervised by a correctional officer.

Lakes Region Planning Commission – Roy passed out the results of the Lakes Region Planning Commission survey to the Board. Previously, Town Administrators filled out the survey and the result is that what they were most interested in was cheaper electricity. The Board will review survey information and discuss at a later meeting.

Project Status Worksheet – Roy presented the Board with a project’s status spreadsheet for their review.

Hazard Mitigation Plan – Jane Hubbard contacted Roy regarding updating the hazard mitigation plan. Hubbard offered her services or could recommend others to do the updating. After discussion, the Board agreed to have Hubbard do the work of updating that plan.