New Endeavor at the Andover Hub–The Hub Closet

A place to collect, create & convert

Press Release

What do you do with extra envelopes from a stationary set? How about yarn left over from a knitting project? Where can you go in Andover to find poster board for your third grader’s school project? How about some file folders to get more organized?

All of these items can now be donated (and soon be purchased) through a new endeavor at The Andover Hub called the Hub Closet: a place to collect, create and convert. It is based on the concept of creative reuse centers located around the country such as SCRAP, Tinkertopia, and Scraptivity and does not carry items normally collected by a thrift store.

The goal for the Hub Closet is to provide a place for storing community excess and provide (at a very low cost) to those who can use it creatively. We want to prevent items from entering the landfill while simultaneously providing affordable supplies to the community (including local schools).

Parents will find popsicle sticks and sea shells for their preschooler to create sculptures. Students can purchase materials for their school projects. Crafters will discover both wine corks and scrap wood pieces to create a one of a kind bulletin board. We hope the Hub Closet will be a place that inspires “upcycling.”


The current focus is to collect donations from people and businesses in the Andover area. The list of materials desired and donation guidelines can be found at Once the Hub Closet is stocked (late spring or early summer 2018), it will be open to the public as a non- traditional art, craft and office supply store.

Store hours will be based on The Andover Hub schedule and volunteer availability. Please contact Tina at for additional information and to donate materials.