Plans for July 4, 2019 Underway

Press Release
Photo taken during the 1984 July 4th Parade in Andover.

We can still hear the fireworks echoing around Andover as we’re working to close our books for the last event and looking ahead to July 4, 2019. A glance out the window reminds us that winter is upon us. As has been done for the last 76 years, plans are in the works for the Andover 4th of July celebration.

Considerable effort is being made to find marching bands for our parade. There is nothing like the thump, thump of the drums and the blare of the bugles to make a parade pop! In recent years we have approached local school bands within a 40 miles radius with no success. So now we are turning to the community for help: Does anyone know of a marching band that might be interested in marching in our parade?

The fireworks contract has been signed and locked in for 2019 with a rearranged program and additional shells. For entertainment and fundraising, all options are on the table as work in the background is underway to make the run up to the day exciting. Stay tuned for surprises!

The committee is always open to ideas and suggestions to make the 4th in Andover better, so feel free to contact us or attend one of our meetings. (Meetings are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Andover Fire Station at 7 PM.) For more information, contact: Doug Phelps by phone at (603) 977-0037 or email at, Donna French by phone at (603) 735-6131 or email at, or Beth Frost by phone at (603) 735-5562 or email at