April News from the South Danbury Christian Church

Press Release

We send our heartfelt thanks to the Danbury Board of Selectmen – Jim Phelps, Lyn England, and Jessica Hatch!

They honored our church and its LCHIP (NH Land & Community Heritage Investment Program) historic preservation project with a beautiful photo on the cover of the 2018 Danbury Town Report and a description of the history of the church and the project in the report.

We are so grateful for the support of the Town, and the donors, helpers, volunteers, and skilled artisans who made it all possible.

Everyone is always welcome at the South Danbury Church!  Sunday worship is at 11 AM.; on stormy Sundays, call or text to 603-491-3196 to be sure there will be a service at the church.  
If you would like to receive our weekly email news, or to be notified of church events, please let us know with a short message to southdanburychurch@nullgmail.com.  Follow us on Facebook at “Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church.” And whenever you see any activity at the church, please do stop by for a visit!


We invite all to share in our church events for April, which are centered on Easter:
Thursday, April 18
Maundy Thursday service at 7 PM.

Easter Sunday, April 21
Sunrise Service at the intersection of Frazier and Walker Brook Roads,
looking toward Ragged and Kearsarge, at 5:45 AM. (sunrise is at 5:56 AM.),
followed by potluck breakfast at the church,
and an informal morning worship service at 11 AM.

South Danbury Church, an Open & Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, is located at 1411 U.S. Route 4 in South Danbury, NH 03230.
Please contact us if you need a ride to attend worship or events.  We’ll be happy to help.
southdanburychurch@nullgmail.com – 603-491-3196