Select Board Approved Minutes – February 3, 2020

By Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary

Present: Marj Roy, Town Administrator; Chuck Keyser, Select Board Chair; Dave Blinn and Bill Keyser, Select Board Members; John Thompson, Road Agent; and Police Officer Dan Shaw
Also present were:  Steve Bowers; Betty Henderson; Twilla Cook; Steve Bowers, and Alex Bernhard
Road Agent Report by John Thompson
The Town is ahead of stocked sand at this point, with approximately 2600 yards.
Thompson will take care of the brush cutting around the Highland Lake Dam as soon as Roy tells him it is okay to do so.
The Old College Road hole that has appeared in the past, has not appeared recently.
So far, this winter has been quiet and there have not been a lot of storms to deal with.
The six-wheeler is back and ready to be used.
Thompson asked about the employment ad. Roy indicated it hasn’t been posted yet, but she plans to put it in the Kearsarge Shopper and the Intertown Record weekly papers, along with Indeed for 30-45 days, and the New Hampshire Municipal Association which runs until the job is filled. 
Henderson Current Use Tax
Dave Blinn recused himself. Blinn’s son, Keith, abuts the Henderson property and also has an interest in it.
The property was once part of a larger property and has been in current use for some time. At some point, there were a couple of lots subdivided off of the larger parcel. 
During the Town Re-evaluation this past summer, Avitar noticed the property did not qualify for Current Use and removed it in July. Roy contacted Henderson to discuss it with her. When Henderson received the December tax bill, the property tax bill was the full tax rate.    
Roy had several subsequent conversations with Avitar regarding this issue.
Henderson does not dispute the fact that the property does not qualify for the Current Use rate as it is now. The dispute is that they have never “used” the property any differently for all these years. The bill is a Land Use Change Tax and nothing has been changed in the use of the land. The only reason there is a change is because Avitar realized the property does not qualify. Henderson understands that going forward the tax bill is the full rate because it no longer can be in Current Use. However, it is the Land Use Change Tax that is the problem.
After discussion, Roy will contact Avitar to clarify their reasoning and give them the Henderson’s thoughts on the Land Use Change Tax. Roy explained there is an option for the Henderson’s to apply for an abatement with the Select Board.
Town Report Budget Format
Roy asked the Board if they would like the format to remain as it has been in the past. All agreed to keep the format the same, department by department and line by line.
Previous Minutes Approval
After review of the January 21, 2020 minutes, Bill Keyser made the motion to accept and approve the minutes as written. Chuck Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The January 21, 2020 minutes are approved as written.
Correspondence And Signatures
Health Officer Renewal – Marj Roy re-appointed as the Town Health Officer. Re-appointment is for a two-year period. Signed by all three Select Board Members.
Town Report Plan
Roy explained her plan for putting together the Town Report. The narratives will be sent out to all the volunteer proofreaders this week. Then next week, the bulk of the work will be done on the Town Report.
Buswell Property
Roy asked the Board how they want to handle disposing of this property. After discussion, the Board decided to advertise the property, take sealed bids, and then have a Public Meeting where the Board will open the sealed bids and announce the winning bid.
The Board discussed how to dispose of the other Town-owned properties and agreed those could be set with an auctioneer as a group sale.
Meeting Schedule Through Town Meeting On March 10, 2020
The Board reviewed the schedule. Please see attached
Friends Of The Northern Rail Trail by Alex Bernhard
Bernhard explained there is a culvert issue over by Eagle Pond that needs work. The expected cost is approximately $30,000. The Rail Trail can raise some funds and will also apply for a grant to help with the cost. Bernhard noted the NNRT committee is not asking for money from the Town, but a letter in support stating the importance of this to the Town. Bernhard offered Roy a copy of a letter he drafted for review. The Board agreed to support the project. Roy will write the letter tomorrow for Bernhard.
Blinn suggested Bernhard contact State Representatives and local businesses for their support. 
Chuck Keyser made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 PM. Bill Keyser seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Minutes prepared by Patricia Moyer, Select Board Secretary