We the People Rally in New London Represented Area Democratic Committees

By Marie Nardino

The Andover Area Democrats (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner, Webster) are excited to be part of the Kearsarge Democrats, along with the New London Town Democratic Committee.  We were thrilled to participate in the We the People Rally, held on the New London Town Green, on Saturday, October 10. 

It was a beautiful autumn day to celebrate Democrats and political camaraderie.  Our candidates — Mike Cryans, Executive Council, District 1; Ken Wells, New Hampshire House, Merrimack District 1; Faith Minton, New Hampshire House, Merrimack District 25; Mario Ratzki, Merrimack County Commissioner, District 2 — spoke to the crowd, setting forth their goals and accomplishments and emphasizing the importance of electing Democrats up and down the ballot.

We were reminded, by all of the wonderful speakers, of the havoc that has been unleashed upon us by presidential incompetence and by the unprecedented gubernatorial vetoes of legislation meant to benefit the lives and livelihoods of the people of New Hampshire.