Andover Conservation Commission Minutes – October 14, 2020

By Lee Wells

Condensed from approved minutes.

Present: Jesse Schust, Jerry Hersey, Lee Wells, Tina Cotton, Nancy Robart

2021 Budget: We can submit a budget based on the 2020 budget – was in Town Report. Beaver Deceiver expenses are in the Town budget. Current budget $1,300. $225 for New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissioners, $100 for Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust. We will need to pay for wetland scientist to mark White Oak.  We have already voted on funds for Bog Pond.

Beaver Deceivers Update: Nancy has enjoyed checking on them, had concerns about the Switch Road Beaver Deceiver. Alan has come up with a database for assessing the functionality of the Beaver Deceivers, but there is an element of subjectivity involved. We need to take photos and document the condition. 


Lenny Caron removed the Bridge Road Beaver Deceiver well over a year ago. He claimed it wasn’t working. The Beaver Deceivers are an investment for the town. 


What do we do to protect them? Do we need signage? Do we need to speak with Marj about this? Should we ask the Select Board to include maintenance of Beaver Deceivers in the highway budget. Is it already part of the budget?

Action item: Lee will ask Marj about signage and about a budget line item for maintenance.

Action Item: Check in with Alan re: his communication with Skip. Has Skip submitted an invoice for the Emery Road Beaver Deceiver and estimate for maintenance.

Class VI Roads: One individual reaction to the picture in the Beacon about the Mountain Brook trail was that this is a Class VI road. The Town does have official Class VI roads; individuals can’t just declare a road a Class VI road. Which roads are Class VI roads that the public may access?

White Oak Pit: Has the transaction taken place?  Action item: Lee will check on this with Marj. Once ownership is established, we will need a wetland scientist to come in to mark it and establish a buffer. We can put it in the 2021 budget.

Student Mapping Project 2021: Harvey Pine at Colby Sawyer is willing to have students work on a project. Last year’s project was to complete a map to accompany the wetlands ordinance. Are there good projects that they could do? Mary Anne  had spoken about an updated co-occurrence map.

Wetlands Ordinance for Andover: Jesse needs to re-edit. Paul Currier and Randall Costa have offered to edit. We had proposed that Rick Van de Pol do a final edit. Can refer to RSAs and not include the actual RSAs, which would help shorten it.

Bog Pond: The boundary is defined. The Select Board that was part of the discussion to create a conservation area there is not the current Select Board.  The Road Agent needs to understand what the prior commitments were.  Mary Anne Broshek proposed that we meet with Jon Champagne to remind him of the previous commitment of the Road Agent in observing the 50-foot buffer and have a conservation area at the back of the Transfer Station that would protect Bog Pond.  


New members of the Select Board should be part of any discussion. The Road Agent attends Select Board meetings.  Dave Blinn is willing to help facilitate discussions. 


Action item: Jesse will work at finding a good time for Dave Blinn and Jesse to join them at their regular meeting to work on resolving this.

Nancy has been in touch with Amanda McQuade about testing of Hopkins Pond.  It has been tested, and levels are good.  If anyone reports any change, we should give her a call.

We are responsible for monitoring the Newman Easement.  Have not seen paperwork from the state for monitoring that property. Action item: Nancy will check to see which properties still need to be monitored.

Files at the Town Office: They are packed.  Nancy is wondering what can be thinned.  We need to keep all of the years of easement monitorings.  Outdated publications can be removed.

Action item: Jesse will speak with Marj about budget. Include maintenance for Beaver Deceivers and marking of White Oak.