American Legion Members Raise Flag Donated in Memory of Clyde Currier

Flag ceremony is Fourth of July tradition

By Lloyd Perreault
American Legion members from the Andover Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 raise a new flag on the Village Green for the Fourth of July. Present for the flag raising were Ron Evans, Dennis Fenton, Levi Southworth, Bill Leber, Lloyd Perreault, and Don Clendenen. Caption: Lloyd Perreault

Traditionally, the American Legion Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 of Andover raises a new flag on the Village Green in observance of the Fourth of July.

The American flag that was raised this year was donated by Shirley Currier in memory of her husband Clyde. This flag was given to her after Clyde’s death last winter in appreciation of his military service. Clyde served during the Korean conflict.

He was a member of the American Legion Crosby-Gilbert Post 101 for a number of years.  Clyde was a lifelong resident of Andover.

For a  long time, Clyde, along with Vic Phelps, owned and operated the Currier and Phelps service station and garage. Clyde, with his wife Shirley, also owned and operated a general store at the site where Ragged Mountain Physical Therapy is now located.

It should be noted that Clyde’s family provided the bronze plaques mounted on the veterans’ monument for military persons who served during the Korean and Vietnam wars.