Kearsarge Area Senior Luncheon Program Restarts in October

New location is First Congregational, Wilmot

Press release

Members of the Wilmot Ladies Aid Society hosted a dessert social and Senior Luncheon orientation on September 2 in the First Congregational Church’s meeting room in Wilmot Center. Representatives of the Senior Luncheon sponsoring organizations – First Congregational Church of Wilmot, Wilmot Public Library, Wilmot Ladies Aid Society, Community Action Program (CAP) of Concord, Kearsarge Council on Aging, and Promotion Solutions of Wilmot – enjoyed refreshments while the ladies, church liaison Doug MacDonald, muscle team, librarian Glynis Hart, CAP staff members Heather O’Brien and Dennis Keon, Senior Luncheon program leader Chris Jenssen, and special guests planned out the Senior Luncheon season to come.

Hot lunches will be served up by CAP of Concord at noon on the third Thursday of the month. The first of six monthly luncheons (skipping December) will start at noon on Thursday, October 21, and will be held at a new location: the ground floor church meeting room at the First Congregational Church of Wilmot. There are no stair steps!

The church meeting room is located next to the Wilmot Public Library at 19 North Wilmot Road in Wilmot Center, just three miles north of the intersection of Routes 4A and 11 in Andover. The meeting room is a sunny, well-ventilated space with a kitchen and handicapped restroom. Door prizes, entertainment, free books, CAP’s frozen dinners-to-go, and more will be available immediately following the popular luncheons.

Out of concern for all who attend, guests will be required to be vaccinated and wear a mask indoors (except while eating).

To sign up, call 603 748-2627 by Sunday, October 10. Be prepared to leave your name, town, and phone number to reserve your place. Reserve a spot for yourself, for you and someone else, or even consider organizing a whole table of up to six friends. See you there!