Louise Andrus’ View from Concord, September 2021

By Louise Andrus

Thank you to all the great people that produce The Andover Beacon. You do a great job. In addition to all the interesting articles, advertising in the Beacon now covers many areas of services from Andover and the surrounding towns.

The House, in September, held Sub Committee Work Sessions and then Executive Sessions on retained bills. In mid-September the Judiciary Committee held Sub Committee Work Sessions on Retained HB 359, creating a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person’s ethnicity and retained HB 597-FN, relative to the expectation of privacy. 

The following week, Judiciary held an Executive Session on Retained HB 82, relative to amending a conservation easement between the state and a landowner; HB 124, adopting the uniform real property transfer on death act; HB 149-FN, extending certain civil immunity to public and private entities during major public health emergencies; HB 248-FN, relative to the judicial retirement plan; HB 287, relative to remote notarization; HB 359, creating a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person’s ethnicity; HB 379, relative to electronic notice; HB 418, relative to supreme court reporting; HB 478, relative to treatment of PFAS contaminants in the drinking water of the Merrimack Village Water District; HB 597-FN, relative to the expectation of privacy; HB 622-FN, protecting nascent human life as a reasonable and valid state interest; and SB 41, relative to police disciplinary hearings.

The Governor vetoed some bills which will go back to the House for a vote whether to override the veto or not to override the veto.  Examples of the bills vetoed:  House Bill 98, relative to the date of the state primary election; House Bill 242, relative to the content of an adequate education; House Bill 334, relative to prohibitions on carrying a loaded firearm on an OHRV or snowmobile and relative to the procedure for conducting firearm background checks.  

If you want to read the reason for the vetoes, go to the NH General Court and the House Calendar “Governor’s Veto Message.”

House deadlines

November 5: Last day to sign off LSRs for 2022 Session
November 18: Last day to report all retained bills
January 7, 2022: Last day to introduce House Bills

As I am writing this article, I am listening to Lee Greenwood sing God Bless the USA.  Every time I hear that song it reminds me of how proud I am to be an American, how blessed I have always been to live in a country where I get up every morning and choose how I want to live.  I do not take my freedoms for granted. 

Oh yes, we have problems in this country, but there is nowhere else I would ever want to live than the USA, and there is no other state I would ever want to live in than New Hampshire.  I cherish our motto, “Live Free or Die.”

On October 27, 1964, Ronald Reagan, before he was ever elected president, gave an iconic Freedom Speech in which he said these great memorable words: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.”  


I intend on passing our freedoms on to all future generations.

Have a great month, and if I can assist you, I can be reached at 603 648-2510. Leave a message, and I will get back to you. Or you can e-mail me at L.A.Andrus21@nullgmail.com or Louise.Andrus@nullleg.state.nh.us