The Hub Reopens for Drop-In Coffee Hour and More

Mondays and Thursdays; 10 to 11:30 AM

By Susan Chase
Members of the UFO Crafters work on their projects, pre-COVID: Donna Duclos, Gail Fitzpatrick, Sarah Hardy, Lee Wells, Kathy Ordway, and Kim Chandler. Caption and photo: Susan Chase

As the doors of the Andover Hub reopen this fall for activities and programs, an informal “Coffee at the Hub” social time is again being offered, now on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 AM. Folks are invited to stop in for a cup of coffee and stay to chat with whomever they encounter – about the weather, the issues of the day, or what’s happening at the Hub. And anyone who needs a place for a quick meeting with a few colleagues or other volunteers is welcome to stop in and commandeer a table as well as a cup.

The days and time for the Coffee Hour were chosen to coincide with the end of the bi-weekly Bone Builders classes, so there’s often a group relaxing over coffee after getting their exercise. There may be a jigsaw puzzle in progress, occasionally a friendly card game, and on Thursdays there are often several members of the UFO (UnFinished Objects) craft group working on their knitting or quilting while they chat.

Crafters are also welcome to stop in and visit the Hub Closet, a supply of donated usable craft supplies open at the same times as the Coffee Hour, to see if they can find what they need for their or their kids’ next craft projects. 

In addition, the Hub has a good internet connection, so anyone wanting to check their email is welcome to stop in, too, and then stay to chat if they like. 

The bottom line message?  “Come on in!”