Louise Andrus’ View From Concord, August 2022

By Louise Andrus

What is the Bill of Rights? It is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution.  These amendments guarantee us freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and much more. 

The United States Constitution and the New Hampshire Constitution are very important to every person. Have you read these two Constitutions? Do you believe in the Constitutions?  

One of the reasons for the Constitutions is to limit the power of government. Without these Constitutions, the power of government would be unlimited. When we take our oath of office as a State Representative, we swear to support the Constitution. Yet how many when voting on bills go against the Constitution and the oath of office?

The next House Session is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, to act on bills vetoed by the Governor. If you go to the House calendar you can find a list of bills and the reasons vetoed.  

As of August 4, the House calendar listed the following bills vetoed by Governor Sununu:  HB 52, apportioning congressional districts; HB 275, relative to the declaration of a state of emergency; HB 319, requiring students in the University and Community College System of New Hampshire to pass the US Citizenship and Immigration Services civics naturalization test; HB 1022, permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug Ivermectin to treat Covid-19; HB 1131, an act relative to facial covering policies for schools; HB 1454, relative to permits for the siting of new landfills; HB 1625, repealing the prohibition on entering or remaining on a public way or sidewalk adjacent to a reproductive health care facility.

Tuesday, September 13, is a very important day to each of us, as it is Primary Election Day. Voting is a right. Voting is a very important part of being part of a democracy. It is a right we should not take lightly.  There are foreign countries where citizens do not have this right.  Don’t take this right for granted. Your vote does count.

Lastly, I am running for re-election as a State Rep in the new district created by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor: Merrimack County District 5. If elected, I will represent the towns of Andover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury, and Webster. 

If you would like to chat or email me I can be reached at 603 648-2510 or L.A.Andrus21@nullgmail.com or 406 Raccoon Hill Road, Salisbury.  Or you can visit my Facebook page at Facebook.com/LouiseAndrusNH or my website at LouiseAndrus.com.

No matter who you vote for, please vote on Tuesday, September 13.