Andover Conservation Commission Minutes July 13, 2022

Condensed from approved minutes.
Present: Nancy Robart, Tina Cotton, Lee Wells, Jenny Bodwell
Also present: Donna Duclos, Mark LaFlamme

Mark LaFlamme, who currently lives in Danbury, was present to ask about his property on Old College Road and the possibility of putting the land into conservation easement. We recommended that he contact Andy Deegan at ASLPT.

Financial Update: We will get $230 for our portion of Current Use.

ASPLT: Nancy spoke with Andy Deegan about the Route 4A property. He is working on it at the state level, and he will be working with the real estate listing agent.  Andy has not heard from the Select Board re: Bernhard/Mayman easement.

ZBA: Will be meeting next week. Mark Stetson wants to put in a solar field.

Planning Board: Nancy is now officially a member.

Select Board

Select Board has not yet signed the papers for the Bernhard/Mayman easement.

Todd Goings has resigned.

Frank, the new Highway Supervisor, asked about Beaver Deceivers and his right to remove them. Nancy encouraged him to come see us to talk about Beaver Deceivers. He would like to be in touch with Skip Lisle.  Nancy will call him. We might be able to take him on a tour of the Beaver Deceivers.

ACC Membership: Nancy has invited a couple of people to see if they would be interested. Nancy will follow up with them.

Beaver Deceiver: Switch and Flaghole Road running fine.  Emery Road is clear, but due to the drought, little water is flowing.

Lakes Region Planning Commission: Lee will call Hal to ask if he has heard about his being on the Commission.

ACC Partnerships

Andover Garden Club: field trip to Pleasant View Gardens, have yet to arrange for Mary Lou to come to an ACC meeting.

Kearsarge Climate Action Group: Nancy involved with them due to the NRRA Conference and heard about the Ten Town Project (plastic issues) from them.

Ten Town Project can be a person, group, or town. There will be a meeting at the Hub tomorrow night about a project undertaken by Brooklyn fifth grade students to reduce use of plastics.

Hearing tomorrow night on the sale of Town-owned lands. Jesse will forward his material to Nancy, and she will attend the meeting.

366 Bradley Lake, Grasmere property: Silt fence has been put up, but needs to be reinforced regularly. Statement needs to be submitted to Pat Moyer stating that the plumbing/septic system has been properly connected.