Andover School Board Minutes – September 7, 2022

Condensed from approved minutes

 Board Present: Aimee Menard, Dan Newton, Steve Chella, Kayla Chandler

Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Dennis Dobe, Beth Page, Dennis Audet

Public Present: Donna Crisp Duclos, Lee Wells

Public Comment

Duclos relayed significant concerns regarding AE/MS being open during public primary elections on September 13. Dobe discussed the plan in place to ensure student safety. 

Chairperson Report

Menard expressed congratulations for the new school year. The school looks great. The teachers and staff have the Board’s support.

Principal’s Report

Dobe spoke of AE/MS’s positive start to the new school year and all the work teachers and the maintenance crew put in to get ready for ’22-’23. 

The teacher’s professional development days went very well. The rollout of the MTSS initiative has been taking place since that time. 

Dobe suggested that a School Board member should join the team reviewing the school safety plans.  Adams was nominated for this role. 

The eighth grade will be attending Nature’s Classroom later in September, a weeklong field trip to support team building and social emotional development. 

Dobe relayed very positive sentiment for all the new staff AE/MS has been fortunate to acquire for this school year.

Page spoke of the progress being done with the newly-revived Family Teacher Organization, with plans in regard to the Open House and other social events to promote community.

Audet reported that the old maintenance shed has been modified and adjusted to hold materials for the Softball League. Over the summer, we had additional support for painting projects throughout the building. 

AE/MS received a notice regarding new expectations for lead levels in water; bubblers have been replaced to ensure we have the correct filtration systems. 

Audet is also going to work on improving the landscape in the front of the building, where students last year had eroded the grass due to overuse of the area. 

On October 8, we are due for our three-year inspection of the oil tanks. The Dennises are working on finalizing the grant for the window project. 

Dobe reported that the state should have notified AE/MS in regard to the grant for the door locks by now; MacLean will reach out on that.

Old Business

The Board’s recommended changes to AE/MS’s Stay Open Framework (COVID protocols) were reviewed. The only additions were time frames, and the only deletions were items that are no longer applicable. Chandler motioned to approve the Stay Open Framework as presented with the updates, Newton seconded. All voted in favor, the motion passed.

Superintendent’s Report

The SAU is starting the process for an assistant superintendent search, with the goal of bringing a candidate to the board by December 7. The role will be posted to the public on October 7. 

MacLean reported that the school visits by he and Wormald have been very positive. NHSAA trainings and meetings are back up and running; MacLean will be traveling to Denver to present on, among other things, MV’s mentor program (which includes new teachers to AE/MS as well).

Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Wormald reported that the new-teacher orientation for this school year took place at the Grappone Center and included an event in the evening. Wormald reviewed the emergency action plan policy for athletics.

Action From Non-Public Session

 Motion to change Board meetings to Wednesdays at 6:30 PM for the 2022-2023 school year by Aimee Menard, second by Dan Newton. Motion carried.