Andover Planning Board Minutes – September 27, 2022

Members present: Donna Duclos, Chair; Ken Wells, Vice-Chair; Jim Delaney, Ex-Officio; Art Urie; Jacob Gilman; and Nancy Walsh-Robart

Also present: Lizabeth Thurston; Seth Kiedaisch; Justin Wright; Pierre Bedard; Suzanne Mock; Greg Stetson; Chris Caron; Chris Nadeau; Cassandra Koutalidis, Nobis Group as agent for New Hampshire Solar Gardens; Pat Moyer, Planning and Zoning Administrator; and Lisa Meier, Secretary

Duclos opened the meeting at 7 PM with a roll-call vote.

Minutes of August 9, 2022

Urie – Motion to approve as amended
Walsh-Robart – Second
Unanimous – Vote to approve as amended

Minutes of September 12, 2022

Urie – Motion to approve as amended
Delaney – Second
Unanimous – Vote to approve as amended

Announcements / Correspondence

1. Moyer distributed a Planning Board contact list for members to review and update their contact information.

Annexation Request and Public Hearing:  The board will act on an annexation request to annex Tax Map 21, Lot 326,551 in the Agricultural / Residential Zone to a portion of Tax Map 71, Lot 074,297 in the Village Zone. A public hearing for a Site Plan Review for Seth Kiedaisch to operate a business in an existing garage on the annex portion of Tax Map 71, Lot 074,297

Duclos opened up discussion of the annexation at 7:16 PM.  Delaney recused as he was not present at prior meeting discussions on the request.  Kiedaisch explained the request for annexation to the board and public present.  There being no concerns or discussion, Urie made a motion to approve the annexation.  Wells seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of approving the annexation.  Duclos opened the public hearing at 7:19 PM.  Thurston explained the proposal and advised that a Special Exception has been granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  Kiedaisch stated that he is currently operating out of a building of the former RP Johnson and Son and is looking to purchase this garage and relocate his business to it.  He is a member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen.  Urie asked what the noise level and hours would be.  The response was 95% of the time it will be 9 AM until 5 PM Monday through Friday but will entertain appointments on Saturdays.  He also responded that the loudest noise would be the renovation of the building. Gilman asked if the parking and storage space will be sufficient, and the response was the annexation approval will provide for more storage area for both parking and storage. Gilman asked if there would be vintage era lighting and the response was yes and it will be down-lighting, with some reference to the old Riverside Garage. Delaney asked if the lighting would be basically for aesthetics and the response was yes.  There being no further discussion, the public hearing was closed at 7:26 PM.  Urie made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review.  Wells seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of approving the Site Plan Review.

Non-Binding Consultation: Site Plan Review for Overlook Solar on Overlook Avenue, Tax Map 11, Lot 554,572 and 583,541 in the Agricultural / Residential Zone

Nadeau presented a Site Plan Review Application to the board and explained that the proposal is the creation of a 1 MW solar array facility consisting of 2600 panels with a fix-tilt towards the sun.  The bottom of the panels will be 3’ off the ground and the panels will be 10’ tall. He advised they currently have a solar garden in the works in both Franklin and Swanzey.  The lot is 9.4 acres of which 7.47 acres would be impacted by the project. Wells asked why a 25-degree angle facing south was chosen and Koutalidis responded that this was standard. Duclos asked what the life of the project was, and the response was 40 years. Wells asked what the completion date is and the response was they would be starting in a year, weather permitting, and are planning on 3 – 4 months. Duclos asked if the access road is in the fenced area and the response was there is a mulched path to the center of the arrays which can be driven on and they will discuss this with the Fire Department. Urie asked what happens in 40 years and the response was a decommissioning plan, which will be reviewed every three years, will be submitted and the owner of the project will put up a bond. Gilman asked if this would be 3-phase and the response was yes and they will be advised should any upgrades are needed. Duclos asked what the height of the poles were and the response was standard height. Gilman asked if underground had been discussed and the response was that they cannot go underground until the pads are reached. Delaney asked if anyone’s view would be impacted and the response was no, there are controls in the plan for the floodplain, wetlands, natural resources and stormwater. Nadeau stated that an AOT Permit is needed. Delaney asked if this will be leveled prior to work being started and the response was yes.  Wells asked if there would be 24-hour security lighting and the response was no. Walsh-Robart asked if the panels would all fail at the same time and how do the panels get disposed of and the response was no, they will not all fail at the same time and the panels are considered electronic waste.  Wells stated that the panels would more than likely get replaced due to new technology rather than become worn out.  The board reviewed the application for completeness. Finding no concerns, Urie made a motion to deem the application complete.  Wells seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously in favor of deeming the application complete.  A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 7:15 PM.

Non-Binding Consultation: Pierre Bedard as agent for Susan Emerson and Justin and Megan Wright.

Bedard presented an annexation plan indicating that there was a subdivision done on a 71.34-acre parent lot creating a 50.84-acre lot and an additional 20.50-acre lot, both lots being in current use.  The plan is to annex 48.28 acres to the 20.50-acre lot creating a 71.44-acre lot and a 2.56-acre lot.  The board will do a completeness review on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, and should the application be deemed complete, they will act on the application on Tuesday, October 25, 2022.

Non-Binding Consultation:  Chris Caron for a Major Subdivision for property at 102 Plains Road and Currier Road, Tax Map 11, Lot 017,128 in the Rural / Residential Zone

Caron presented a subdivision / annexation plan and advised he would like to do a 1 ¼ acre lot line adjustment to the property abutting 102 Plains Road retaining 1 ¼ acres for 102 Plains Road. The minimum lot size in the Rural / Residential Zone is 1-acre and the minimum road frontage is 150’ and both lots will meet these requirements.  The board explained to Caron why this is considered a major subdivision rather than a minor subdivision – the property has been subdivided within the last five years, and per the Subdivision Regulations, any subdivision within five years from the last is considered a major subdivision.

Reports and Updates

Delaney – Select Board

Delaney advised that the Select Board will be meeting with New Hampshire Solar in the near future.

Moyer – Planning and Zoning Administrator

Moyer advised there is a business operating on Main Street that needs to come before the board for a Site Plan Review and she will advise them of this.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Meier
Recording Secretary