Zoning Board Minutes, July 17, 2012

Condensed from approved minutes

Members present: Charlie McCrave, Chair; Jeff Newcomb; Katherine Stearns, alternate; Bill Keyser, alternate.

Also present for duration of appropriate item: Julia Rector and Barbara Lynch

Non-Binding Consultation: Julia Rector, President of Hershwin Realty, regarding 46 Main Street.

The previous approval dated September 20, 2005 for Douglas Gay and Joanne Sumner was reviewed, as Julia is proposing the addition of a cafe / bakery and a possible drive-through for the cafe / bakery, and an additional apartment.

There are currently four units on the first floor. Unit 1 is the proposed deli; Units 2 and 3 are Bear Hollow, and Unit 4 is Naughty Nellie’s.

On the second floor, the apartment over Unit 4 is near completion; Unit 5 (over Unit 1) is proposed office space; Unit 6 is a proposed tanning salon; the front area over Units 2 and 3 is a proposed 1-bedroom apartment or office space with a kitchenette. Units 7 and 8 are proposed office space or for a caterer.

The 2005 approval indicates the building has 4,000 square feet. This needs to be adjusted to the correct amount of square footage. The approval also allows 1,800 square feet of retail area. This also needs to be adjusted.

Newcomb asked whether the septic design is adequate to handle the additional living space. Julia stated the plans are on file with the Town; however, she will contact Hinds Engineering for specifics.

Keyser asked if the fire chief will have any concerns with the tanning salon being located on the second floor, and Julia stated she will discuss this with the chief.

The Board determined that an additional apartment and the deli would need a special exception approval, and the additional space for retail, should the area be over 1,800 square feet, needs a special exception.

A public hearing was scheduled for August 21.