Andover Conservation Commission June 14, 2023 

Members present: Tina Cotton, Jerry Hersey, Sooze Hodgson, Nancy Robart, Jesse Schust, Nancy Teach, Lee Wells.

Also attending: Donna Duclos

1. Dyer’s Crossing/McDonough parcel

Surveyor update: Nancy R. has contacted Colin Brown; he’d like to start June19, and will do a walk-through with us when he is done. 

  1. Route 4A lot update 

Sooze still hasn’t heard what the ASLPT (Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust) assessors said the property is worth. Back taxes have been paid; one of the owner’s children is interested in the property and it is now off the market. We need to keep an eye on it, to see if it goes on the market again.

  1. Andover Village junkyard ownership transfer update 

Lockes have paid for permits for many years; the new owners will get permits. Property had “sale pending” sign.

There are several junkyards in town. Donna will ask town to see permits for junkyards and the self-assessments. Are there unlicensed junkyards in Andover? 

  1. Community education/outreach 

Wednesday, 6/21, Invasive Species presentation at the Hub. ACC is in charge of set-up and clean up. We should be there at 5:30.

  1. Bradley Lake easements 

Jesse checked with Town Administrator Kimberley Edelmann re. maps. Jesse will print out statements made about these properties from past Town Meetings. An abutter is concerned about the accuracy of maps and possibility of other abutters building on his land. Might surveying be the next step? We should ask him to have his land surveyed as well. 

Could we visit the town properties with the abutters, so we can see the properties and perhaps find pins, etc.? Jesse mentioned at the Select Board meeting that we are looking into the Bradley Lake properties. A verbal agreement was made to not pursue selling them at this time.

  1. Andover covered bridges 

Jesse, as Vice-President of the Andover Historical Society (AHS), attended the Select Board meeting on the 25th to speak about the condition of the covered bridges. Town will let ACC and AHS have some input on the work on the bridges. 

  1. Highway bridge projects 

DOT (Department of Transportation) Public Meeting, June 27, 6 PM, re. highway work on both bridges, Routes 4 and 11, at AE/MS. Jesse also mentioned to the Select Board that this project will damage wetlands, and there are required restitutions. 

We will have access to some of those funds. Perhaps we can put funds toward the Valley Road culvert/bridge. ARM (Aquatic Resource Management) can help us. Tim Dunn is the project manager on both projects.

  1. Master Plan informational meeting  

Jake Gilman is Chair of the Planning Board Subcommittee for the Master Plan. Meeting attended by Roland Carter (Select Board), Jake Gilman and Ken Wells (Planning Board), Sooze Hodgson and Nancy Robart (Conservation Commission), Jeff Dickinson (Water District), Susan Chase, Al and Kat Hitchmoth (public). 

  1. Lakes Region Planning Commission  

Donna is one of the town’s reps. The town is allowed two reps; Hal Tuttle would also like to be on the committee. The Select Board needs to nominate him.

  1. Natural resource inventory at library and on town website 

The website contains an appendix and updates, which we may add to. 

  1. Transfer Station

At last night’s Planning Board there was talk of combining our transfer station with Wilmot, which could save money for both towns (coordinated pick-up) and could allow for more recycling. Nancy asked if the two towns CCs could work together as well. 

  1. Other issues at Select Board meeting 

Janet Eklund working on a plan for the goose problem at Highland Lake/Town Beach. 

New plan for Northern Pass, better situation (Twin State Clean Energy Link); towers will be taller, but not as tall as in the previous proposal.