Andover Community Church – September News

Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 PM, through Oct 26

By Bill Blomquist and Donna Thompson, Church Staff

Hard to believe, we are in September. Where did the year go? The days are shorter and school has started!

As you’re driving by the church, you may have noticed the beautiful hanging flowers outside the Grange Hall. This is the first of many updates to the place. Steps and side ramps are also being treated, stained, and painted, as well as the entire floor of the Grange Hall. Members of the Service Club, Andover Coffee House, and those who rent the venue in the future will be amazed how the room now “pops.” 

Special thanks to the members of the church and local businesses—Normand Poliquin (floors) and LaVorgna Roofing (for the preschool roof)—for making it all happen. Shoutouts also go to workers from the church and the anonymous donor who gave greatly to the cause.

As we look ahead, we are seeking to raise funds for the foundation of the church (determined code “yellow”) and to continue to upgrade the grounds and property of this historical venue.

We are excited that our fourth GriefShare program will be held at The Andover Community Hub, Thursday nights, from 6:30 to 8:30, September 7 through October 26. The program offers help to those grieving from loss of parents, children, and loved ones.

Ongoing activities include the rummage/pre-made meal sales on the last Saturday of the month, collection of food items for Twin Rivers Interfaith Food Pantry, weekly Wednesday night outreach at Trestle Park, Franklin, monthly Peabody Home Communion services, and of course the third  Friday night monthly Andover Coffeehouse, starting up again this month. Also, be on the lookout for a Blessing of the Animals early in October!

On September 10, Bishop Andrews will be at our church, preaching, confirming, and receiving those into the Anglican Communion. Afterward, we will be holding our church picnic. A very exciting day. Everyone is welcomed.

We’d like to extend a warm invitation to visitors for our Sunday services. Services run from 9:30 to 11 AM, followed by fellowship. GodlyPlay, an interactive Sunday School for kids, is also offered. For more information on the church, its leadership, what to expect when visiting, or information on the GriefShare program, check us out at