Proctor Rekindles Liaison Committee with Andover

The Academy and town are linked together

By Scott Allenby

Since its inception in 1848, Proctor Academy and the Town of Andover have been inextricably linked together. Over the past few decades, a liaison committee between the school leaders and town officials has helped share information, collaborate, and troubleshoot issues that arise between the two entities in town.

After a hiatus during COVID-19, the Committee was reestablished this past August and had its second meeting in November. The Committee will meet quarterly moving forward. Committee members shared updates from the Town, master planning work, challenges and opportunities within our community, and updates from Proctor as it begins working toward implementing its new Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plan.

Committee Members now include the following individuals. Please connect with anyone on this list with questions.

Scott Allenby
Meghan Barton
Roland Carter
Katelyn Churchill
Donna Crisp-Duclos
Kurt Croft
James Delaney
Dennis Dobe
Alex Estin
Kelly Griffin-Brown
Rachel MacDuffie
Doug Phelps
Jesse Schust
Mark Stetson
Brian Thomas