SHARE Day Returns to AE/MS

Friday, May 10

By Beth Page


Happy faces of kids participating in Share Day 2023.

SHARE Day, which stands for “See How the Arts Reach Everyone,” was started by a small but very active PTO in 1988. This special day at Andover Elementary/Middle School brings artists, craftspeople, technology wizards, athletes, and musicians from Andover and surrounding communities into the classroom to share their wealth of talents and inspiration with the students at AE/MS.

Planting flowers at Share Day in 2023.

SHARE Day has become one of the most beloved yearly activities at the school for both students and staff alike. This event requires a lot of support from volunteers, and we are hoping to involve the community again this year. SHARE Day is returning to AE/MS on May 10! We are looking for members of the community who are willing to share their talents and time with the students. 

If you would like to be part of it, as a workshop leader or volunteer, or if you know someone who might like to hold a workshop, please contact the SHARE Day Committee no later than April 10, by phone 603 735-2202, or email ( Thank you!