Salisbury Town Election Results for March 2024

Press release

The results from the Town elections for Salisbury are as follows: 

Select Board, 1 position for 3 years; Brett Walker won re-election with 105 votes

Supervisors of the Checklist, 1 position for 6 years; Dorothy Swenson won re-election with 113 votes  

Trustees of the Trust Funds, 1 position for 3 years; Marcel Binette won re-election with 112 votes Cemetery Trustee, 1 position for 3 years; Dora Rapalyea won with 115 votes 

Town Moderator, 1 position for 2 years; David Hostetler won re-election with 115 votes 

Budget Committee, 3 positions for 3 years; David Kelly won re-election with 102 votes; Louise Andrus won election with 76 votes; Lorna Carlisle won election with 83 votes

Library Trustee, 2 positions for 3 years; Nan O’Neill won re-election with 105 votes; Cheryl Bentley won re-election with 109 votes

Planning Board,1 position for 3 years; Loretta Razin won as write-in with 23 votes

Zoning Board, 1 position for 3 years; David Hostetler won with 68 votes

All ballot warrant articles passed. For more information, please see the Town webpage at and look under the election results tab.

The overall Town budget passed with all warrant articles. 

Article 5 passed with an amendment by Select Member Walker to put $10,000 into line item 4191-28 planning & consulting, so we may pay for fees related to the purchasing of land, such as, survey fees, etc. This increased the total overall Town budget from $1,538,857 to $1,548,857, which is an overall decrease from last year’s budget by nearly $70,000. 

For more information on this, please visit the Town webpage at or see a Town Report, which may be obtained at Academy Hall or the Salisbury Free Library.