Andover Town Meeting 2024 and Beyond

"Citizen participation in Andover is great…."

By Scott Hilliard

I want to thank the citizens of Andover for their attendance and support in helping lead us into operations of the Town for the coming year. Citizen participation in Andover is great, and many communities don’t have this. We are blessed here in Andover. Please get involved by signing up for a committee or volunteering. Thank you again.

The path that we are charting as a team involves many things, beginning with doing many of our projects with our own resources. Please don’t get me wrong, small business and contractors have carried us to where we are today.

Over a period, through frugal actions and some planning, we have tried to look into future needs.  Your support has allowed us to set aside funding for some of these projects, at the time the amounts were based on a contractor doing them. I am pleased to report our new Highway Supervisor, Kevin Duval, has some great experience in road building and other areas that are within our town force abilities.  

Please understand we cannot take on all projects, but it has been the discussion of the Highway Supervisor, Select Board, and I that this is an area where we can SAVE money. For instance, we have set aside funding to replace the Hall Road Bridge (red-listed, currently). We believe we can save approximately 50 percent of this amount by using Town resources.  

We also have encumbered approximately $56,000 to replace a dilapidated wheelchair ramp at the Town Library. Again, we believe we can do this for considerably less.

These are just two examples of where we are looking. There are many needs,as we all know; however, with good planning, frugal thinking, talented people, and the support of the citizens, we are moving forward and hope to be able to report to you that we are getting things done (correctly).

I would be remiss if I didn’t share a comment that was made by our very able Clerk of the Works for the new Andover Highway Garage, at a meeting of the Select Board recently, when giving an update on the new garage: “UNDER BUDGET AND AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.” Music to my ears.