“Telling Your Story” Continues at The Hub

Tuesday, May 21, 10 AM to noon

Press release

Newcomers are welcome to join the meetings of the “Telling Your Story” writing group that has met several times at The Andover Community Hub and which will meet next on Tuesday, May 21, 10 AM to 12 PM. The group grew out of a day-long memoir-writing workshop held last September, co-sponsored by The Hub and the Andover Historical Society and led by New London resident Joan Katz, M.Ed., an experienced teacher of memoir-writing. The group has now decided to meet monthly on the third Tuesday through November.

Ms. Katz feels that everyone has a story to tell about his or her life, and she enjoys helping people explore their family histories to discover how one became the person one is today.  Participants will learn from others how to organize and pass on these memories in stories, scrapbooks, or artistic creations.

Anyone interested in joining this ongoing group is welcome to attend but is encouraged to send their name and contact information to TheAndoverHub@nullgmail.com or leave a message on The Hub’s phone, 603 735-5509, to let Ms. Katz know of their intention. The Hub is located at 157 Main Street and is an accessible building.