own Office and Library Construction Work Continues

Highway Supervisor Kevin Duval oversees the work

By Scott Hilliard
The Andover Library ramp work is almost done, except for the paving. Photo: Scott Hilliard

I wanted to update our readers on the progress taking place at the Town Hall/Andover Public Library. As you will see from our

Andover Library ramp work in progress. Photo: Scott Hilliard

pictures, the wheelchair ramp construction is complete, except for paving (which will happen after we receive bids for the pavement). During planning for the ramp, we discovered some structural issues involving the front of the library that required immediate attention, and thanks to Reed’s Maintenance (Jim and Dillan), the issue has been addressed and we continue to move forward.

You will notice improved entries at the Town Hall and Andover Public Library, and a spruced-up look to our entryways.  (We can’t take credit for the beautiful flowers. Those are from the Garden Club members.) The construction of the ramp is being done by our very able highway department staff, overseen by Highway Supervisor Kevin Duval. (THANKS TO ALL).  

The library is open during construction, using the Town Hall entrance, and we should be complete very soon. I would like our citizens to know this is YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding during our construction.