Andover Resident Reacts to “violent and hateful” Political Display

By Kim Baer

Andover – A resident on Franklin Highway in Andover has erected a sign saying: “Die with GOP – Louise Andrus”, and decorated the sign with fake bloody severed body parts, even including skulls. The sign appears to call for the killing and dismembering of State Representative Andrus.

The use of violent rhetoric in politics has to end. In view of the recent attempted assassination of a Presidential candidate, both Republicans and Democrats should condemn the pollution of political speech using violent language and images. Local candidates should not have to fear for their safety.

The person who made and displayed this violent and hateful display should stop by a Republican tent at one of the many local farmers markets or fairs and engage with Representative Andrus in a peaceful conversation about different political views. This hate speech and a call to violence needs to stop. 

Thank you,

Kim Baer