Mentoring Makes A Difference in a Young Person’s Life

New program at Andover Elementary School

By Carol Conforti-Adams

The Andover Elementary School is starting up a school mentorship program this year. We are looking for community adults that would be willing to commit to one hour per week visiting a child (mentee) during the school day. You would be an extra adult friend providing conversation, mentorship with social or life skills, communication, and assisting with school work or any task the child may want to do. Just a dependable person to be there for them.

Kearsarge Regional Elementary Schools partnered with Windsor County Mentors Program last school year, ending with great success for 10 students. Mentors and mentees all related positive experiences, and their relationship made a difference in their school year.
If you like more information about the program, Training for Mentors is ongoing.
You can make a difference in a child’s life! Call today for more information and to sign up.

Call: 802 674-5101  email:

‘’Older adults have so much to share. Your mentoring can build a child’s confidence, reduce anxiety, and assist a child in learning how to overcome obstacles and challenges.’’