Pamela Weeks Presents “New England Quilts and the Stories They Tell”

Tuesday, October 8, 6 PM; quilt viewing at 5 PM

Press Release

Salisbury — On Tuesday, October 8, the Salisbury Historical Society will host Pamela Weeks speaking on “New England Quilts and the Stories They Tell,” in Salisbury Town Hall, at 6 PM. This program, postponed from June, should be of interest to many, and the public is invited at no charge. Guests are encouraged to bring one quilt for identification or to share its story. 

This program is brought to you by the Salisbury Historical Society and New Hampshire Humanities to Go. Beginning at 5 PM, the Hearse House Museum will be open for visitors to see Salisbury’s historic quilts and other treasures.

Our regular season ended last month with a Potluck Supper and Annual Meeting. New officers were elected. Many thanks to all who stepped up.

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