WCA Holds Auditions in September for Classic Radio Show

"Sorry, Wrong Number" by Lucille Fletcher

Press Release

Auditions are coming! We are teaming up with the Wilmot Community Association to bring you the classic Radio Show “Sorry, Wrong Number” in November. See synopsis below. Auditions will be held at the Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, September 22, 2 to 4 PM, and Tuesday, September 24, 6:30 to 7:30 PM. 

And the great news? There’s no memorization needed in the performance! So I hope you’ll plan to join us at the auditions.

Synopsis: Our first story, “Sorry Wrong Number,” written by Lucille Fletcher, was perfect for a radio drama. Prior to television and the internet world, families gathered around a large wooden box called a radio, most likely made by RCA or Victor, and listened to the news of the day, soap operas, and suspense dramas. As you would expect, there were no visuals in these programs.  

The audience had to listen to the actors, hear the sound effects, and use their imagination as to what was occurring. Some of these shows had live audiences who reacted to what was happening within the script while other shows were simply recorded in a studio. These shows illustrate how live performances of radio shows were staged in the mid-1940s, with the actors reading their lines into microphones, sound effect teams closing doors, making telephones ring, and playing music while the audience watched.